Small Things
I decided to clean up the hardcoded packet a bit more and remove subpackets yesterday. I already knew how some of them worked but never got around to implementing them on the new server. Mainly the "SetActorPosition" packet which is used to place an actor in the world. Interestingly I found a value that changes how the actor appears; when set to 2 or higher it does various effects like the one that happens when a person teleports to you in ARR. Watching old 1.0 movies it seems this is also played when you appear in a Duty.
The 0xD0 packet was finally figured out as well. I knew this had something to do with speed, but at the time I couldn't figure it out. Turns out I was right, it sets the "slid" (always 0x00), walk (0xA000) and run (0xA010) speeds. Simple.
Finally, I found where the "Resting" status effect is set but I am not even remotely close to figuring it out. It seems it uses the same begin/end tag system items used. Still, was able to add a few codes and get other statuses to appear.
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