Over the last couple of weeks I've been slowly documenting the Lua engine inside FFXIV. From what I've seen, 1.0 uses Lua as a major core of their engine... handling things from UI control, to scripted events like interacting with actors. Thanks to the fact Lua is a open source project, I could compare the C++ code to the assembly of XIV and find the various functions. I have about 70% of the lua API documented and figured out. So now I can look into a routine and see something like this:


A lot of CALL functions with their proper routine name instead of some address. After getting enough documented, I was able to write and DLL that let me hook into those routines and "ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL". I can upload code into XIV's instance of the Lua engine and see what is going inside, and theoretically fire off/modify functions as well!

I'll leave you with this image. After testing a few basic commands (print, print version, and some failed global prints), I dumped all of the global table (_G). You can see a lot of classes FFXIV had uploaded into the Lua engine (IE: ActorBaseClass).
