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| processEvent060 || Cutscene with moogle, warp into instance
| processEvent060 || Cutscene with moogle, warp into instance
| processEvent060_2 || ???: "Just a moment, kupo. I'll try and speak to the elementals of the trees."
| processEvent060_2 || Pudgy Moogle's speech. "Just a moment, kupo. I'll try and speak to the elementals of the trees."
| processEvent070 || Cutscene with Powle, Moogle, and you.
| processEvent070 || Cutscene with Powle, Moogle, and you.

Latest revision as of 22:16, 19 February 2025

Whispers in the Wood
Man0g1 completed

Client Functions

Function Name Notes
processEventMiounneStart Quest start text from Miounne. Go to the CRP guild.
processEvent000_2 Miounne reminder text: "I wonder what it is the elementals are after... You might be able to find out for yourself, seeing as how you are able to converse with the moogles, and all."
processEvent010 Cutscene at the CRP guild, warps into echo.
processEvent010_2 Zezekuta: "A message from the moogle to young Fye..."
processEvent010_3 A'naldjaa: "The Acorn Orchard? Yes, it is the small playground outside, on the west side of the Atrium."
processEvent010_4 Frances: "Aye, the dead mask. Its powers have left it. A tragedy, that. It was meant for Fye's elder brother, Dunstan. "
processEvent010_5 Caplan: "Looking for Fye, you say? She's out playing in the Orchard, I imagine, as all the little runts do. Just head west."
processEvent010_6 Ulmhylt: "There are very few among us capable of making the purification masks. I myself have never even attempted the feat."
processEvent010_7 Decima: "The moogles certainly can't repair everything"
processEvent010_8 Chalyo Tamlyo: "Fye's brother Dunstan was a mighty lancer, and one of the Wood Wailers."
processEvent020 Cutscene of Fye getting bullied by Khrimm. Warp into another echo.
processEvent020_2 Zezekuta reminder: "Your mask has been fashioned. That is truly good news. Now the conjurers may carry out the rites, and you will be purified before the eyes of the elementals."
processEvent020_3 Deserted Daughter: "Poor Fye. Khrimm can be such a bully. He really shouldn't pick on girls."
processEvent020_4 Troublesome Tomboy: "<whisper> Ya know what? Don't tell anyone, but both Khrimm's and Fye's families got turned into wildlings."
processEvent030 Cutscene with Fye
processEvent040 Cutscene in the CRP guild with Yda and Papalymo. Exit echo.
processEvent040_2 Miounne reminder: "Brother E-Sumi has returned to Gridania to conduct the rites at the festival."
processEvent050 Cutscene at the BTN guild to get Pearl Clover Fruit
processEvent050_2 Miounne reminder: "Off to find Pearl Clover Fruit, are you? I fancy Brother E-Sumi has taken quite a liking to you. He would not teach you the location of such rare fruits otherwise."
processEvent060 Cutscene with moogle, warp into instance
processEvent060_2 Pudgy Moogle's speech. "Just a moment, kupo. I'll try and speak to the elementals of the trees."
processEvent070 Cutscene with Powle, Moogle, and you.
processEvent080 Cutscene at the BTN guild.
processEvent080_2  ???: "The moogles love nothing if not their Pearl Clover Fruit. Even so, I'd not thought you like to find one so quickly. Gods, all these exceptional adventurers! How does Miounne do it?"
processEvent080_3 Miounne reminder: "The archers asked that you come to the Quiver's Hold as soon as possible. You'll find an agreeable Lalafell bloke by the name of Nonolato there."
processEvent090 Cutscene at the ARC guild.
processEvent090_2 Nonolato reminder: "The safety of Gridania is the duty of the archers of the Gods' Quiver, the lancers of the Wood Wailers, and the conjurers of Stillglade Fane."
processEvent090_3  ???: "We make efforts to learn mooglespeak, but our control of the language is rudimentary at best. Without the conjurers, this endeavor would be completely hopeless."
processEvent090_4  ???: "I know not of such things, but there are some that can use mooglespeak, whether through divine providence or study. And not all of them are forestborn."
processEvent090_5  ???: "You know the mooglespeak? Then you must help us, please! Speak to Bowlord Lewin right away!"
processEvent100 Cutscene 2 at the ARC guild.
processEventComplete Talk to Miounne to complete quest.
processEvent1000_2  ???: "If the woodsin upon a soul is too great, the power of the purification mask may collapse under the burden. But I do not think you are in any such danger."
processEvent1000_5 Shows a "Enter the Instance?" dialog.