Never the Twain Shall Meet

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Never the Twain Shall Meet
Man1l0 completed

Client Functions

Function Name Notes
processEventquestmanOffer Empty Function.
processEvent000 Quest start dialog from Baderon; tells you to go to Hob.
processEvent000_2 Baderon reminder text to go to Hob.
processEvent010 Cutscene with Hob sailing to the Barracuda ship and entering the hold.
processEvent010_2 Hob: Gets you back into the instance if you left.
processEvent010_3 Hob, public zone speech: "You the lass Baderon sent?" Tells you to meet at Fisherman's bottom.
processEvent011_2 Hob: Exits you out of the instance. "Open your eyes, 'Cuda! There be Serpent Reavers makin' straight for the dromond!"
processEvent011_3 Barracuda Knight "What are you doing out of uniform!? The commodore will have your head if he sees you in those rags!"
processEvent011_4 Barracuda Knight "The fishbacks had best not try anything or the seas will run red with Sahagin blood!"
processEvent012 Cutscene of Emerick being found in the hold and Merod attacking him.
processEvent013 Start of the duty fight cutscene.
processEvent020 End of the duty fight cutscene. First param changes who won the fight: 1 = Emerick else Merod. Following cutscene with the Sahagin attack. Wake up in Limsa.
processEvent030 Fade in/out. Empty function?
processEvent050 Baderon telling you Hob was captured and also about the detour.
processEvent050_2 Baderon reminder telling you about a detour before going to the MSK guild.
processEvent060 Cutscene with Sisipu about the treasure, Emerick and Stahlmann finding the treasure.
processEvent060_2 Baderon telling you to go to the MSK guild.
processEvent070 Cutscene with Hob at the MSK guild telling you to talk to Isaudorel.
processEvent075 Cutscene with Reyner, into echo about how Stahlmann frames Y'shtola.
processEvent075_2  ??? "A disquieting tale... Yet there is little evidence with which to convict you.
processEvent075_3  ??? "Send a unit to the cliffs off of Bearded Rock?"
processEvent080 Cutscene with Blackburn, entering into an echo with Stahlmann and Y'shtola. Ends in the sub-echo.
processEvent080_2 Y'shtola "What is this place? Where is Stahlmann?"
processEvent081 Cutscene in the subecho, ending with you passed out in the Limsa inn.
processEvent081_2 Takes current max level as an argument. Shows a worldmaster msg to head to Blackburn in Ul'dah Marketwards.
processEventTalkMenuManCutPreview Debug function to watch the cutscenes in this quest.