Beckon of the Elementals

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Beckon of the Elementals
Man1g0 completed

Client Functions

Function Name Notes
processEventMiounneStart Quest start text from Miounne. Go to the ARC guild. "You certainly seem to be coming into your own around here. Though you may not be aware of it, you're quite the talk of the town."
processEvent005_2 Reminder from Miounne. "After countless rangings, Dunstan remains unfound. Despite their best efforts, none among the archers, lancers, or conjurers have the faintest idea where he is."
processEvent007 Talked to Nonolato and shows the cutscene with O-App-Pesi and where the archers mention the western hedge is burned. Leads to echo.
processEvent007_2 O-App-Pesi's speech, shows dialog to enter duty instance. Shows Khrimm fucking up cutscene.
processEvent007_2_2 O-App-Pesi's speech, shows dialog to enter duty instance. Does not show cutscene.
processEvent007_3 Nonolato's speech. "You mean to go with them? Have you taken leave of your senses!?"
processEvent010 End of duty fight cutscene. End up back in the ARC guild.
processEvent010_2 Miounne's reminder speech. "How did you find things at Quiver's Hold? A ranging!?"
processEvent020_2 Miounne's reminder speech. "There is word of a commotion over at Stillglade Fane. Haven't been to see for myself, but I've heard talk of wildlings."
processEvent020_3 Zezekuta's speech. "You wish to know more of Khrimm'm past? For that you must speak to the conjurers."
processEvent030_2  ???'s speech. "A wildling within the city... I fear we have all been placed in great danger."
processEvent030_3 Disquieted Lancer's speech. "Dunstan was next in line to command the Wood Wailers until he was...taken from us."
processEvent030_4 Disconcerted Conjurer's speech. "My head... It pounds. And my ears scream with ringing. The voices... The elementals are in great distress."
processEvent030_5  ???'s speech. "I don't know what to make of all this. I've never seen the greenwrath so fierce."
processEvent030_6  ???'s speech. "Truly, my heart goes out to the poor lad, but is it wise to bring one so tainted to the Fane?"
processEvent030_7  ???'s speech. "What does Brother E-Sumi mean to do? If there were some way to assist him, we would, but...the truth is, the rest of us don't have the first idea how."
processEvent030_8 Enthusiastic Archer's speech. "This Papalymo and this Yda... Where in the bloody hells have they come from?"
processEvent030_9 Embittered Archer's speech. "My gut tells me Bowlord Lewin may be hiding something from the Quiver."
processEvent040_2 Silky-haired Conjurer's speech. "Calm down, child! You can't see him now. It's too dangerous."
processEvent040_3 Disconcerted Conjurer's speech. "You cannot pass, Fye. Trust us, it is for your own good."
processEvent040_4 Soileine's speech. "The grand rite is about to begin. I daresay you must be looking forward to getting all that woodsin off your back."
processEvent040_5 O-App-Pesi's speech. "I must do all that I am able to aid Brother E-Sumi."
processEvent040_6 Enigmatic Conjurer's speech. "Brother E-Sumi plans to hold counsel with the Seedseers."
processEvent045_2 Fye's reminder speech. "Let me in! I have to see him! I have to see Khrimm!,Khrimm!"
processEvent050_2 Miounne's reminder speech. "The grand rite is about to begin. I daresay you must be looking forward to getting all that woodsin off your back."
processEvent060_2 Niall's speech. "This grand rite shall be the most important in recent memory."
processEvent060_3 Yda's speech. "What strange and ridiculous dancing! We have nothing like it back in Sharlayan─thank the gods for that!"
processEvent060_4 Papalymo's speech. "They put on joyous airs, to be sure, but there is a sick desperation in their dancing."
processEvent060_5 Fufucha's speech. "We like to think that even the elementals are soothed by the laughter of innocent children."
processEvent060_6 Burchard's speech. "You are no forestborn. What right have you to take part in"
processEvent060_7 Ursbaen's speech. "If Dunstan flees, Khrimm's life would be forfeit."
processEvent060_8 N'golbb's speech. "Once all are onstage and the rites begin, the forest takes on a very solemn air."
processEvent060_9 Farrimond's speech. "So you are to be cleansed too, are you? Don't remember seeing you around before."
processEvent060_10 T'kebbe's speech. "Afraid you're going to stick out like an Ul'dahn whore in an Ishgardian church? Hah!"
processEvent060_11 Hamdeloup's speech. "Not even the elementals can turn a deaf ear to the festival."
processEvent060_12 Grinnaux's speech. "Who can say what will come of all this? The greenwrath is so thick about the city, even I can feel it─and I'm not even a bloody conjurer!"
processEvent060_13 Squealing Sprat's speech??? "Be quiet! I'm looking for moogles!"
processEvent060_14 Underprivileged Urchin's speech. "I bet the moogles would come if we had some pearl clover fruits."
processEvent060_15 Sugar-strung Schoolgirl's speech. "Dance! Dance! Dance!"
processEvent060_16 Deserted Daughter's speech. "Mother? Mother? Mother!? Moootheeer!? I've lost my mother..."
processEvent060_17 Troublesome Tomboy's speech. "I'm gonna dance as well as I possibly can."
processEvent060_18 Aging Elezen's speech. "The rite will start once the conjurers gather."
processEvent060_19 Whisply Whiskered Woodworker's speech. "This festival has an interesting history. Originally, it had nothing to do with appeasing the elementals."
processEvent060_20 Respectable Roegadyn's speech. "I've thanks to give for the year's bounty, and prayers to give for next─if it isn't too late..."
processEvent060_21 Urbane Elezen's speech. "The woodsin may fall from you, but take care you don't fall from the stage. Hahaha!"
processEvent060_22 Merry Old Matron's speech. "Ohhh, I can't wait for things to get underway. Me own grandson's goin' to be up there dancin' his little heart out, the adorable lit'l bastard."
processEvent060_23 Well-groomed Woman's speech. "They are saying that Khrimm has drawn the greenwrath. But could it truly be?"
processEvent060_24 Good-natured Goodwife's speech. "The lad whose parents went wildling? Hmmm...can't help wondering if a bit of their woodsin didn't get passed on to the boy."
processEvent060_25 Overanimated Hyur's speech. "From the look of things, this rite is going to be quite large."
processEvent060_26 Fastidious Fellow's speech. "When the elementals rage, there is naught we can do but pray for their forgiveness."
processEvent070_2 Yda's speech. "Hello to you, forest..."
processEvent070_3 Papalymo's speech. "How in the bloody hells did we get here!?"
processEvent080_01 Takes current max level as an argument. Shows a worldmaster msg to head to the Hermit in Ul'dah Marketwards.