Game Opcodes:General Data Packet

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Revision as of 18:30, 27 March 2018 by Ioncannon (talk | contribs) (General Notifications)
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Sends Lua Parameters to an actor's script. This calls the "onReceiveDataPacket" function in any actor script that overrides it, providing the sent data.

Opcode - 0x133
Source - Server
Data Size - 0xC0 bytes
Requirements - None


Offset Data Type Length Variable Description
0x00 Lua Parameters 192 Bytes data The data to send to the actor.

Player Actor Data

Requested Data

This is used to return various information the client may request.

  • qtdata
  • qtmap
  • activegl
  • glhist


Used to show a Inform Dialog with it's text set to a Sheet message.

"attention" String Sheet Owner Actor emptyString SheetID args

Misc Commands

If the first argument sent is just a number, it does various operations based on the value given.

1 SopenCautionInformDialogWidget Shows a red Inform Dialog.
2 openTutorialSuccessWidget Shows a success widget when a player completes a tutorial objective.
3 openPublicEffectWidget Shows a unique effect based on the arguments.
4 openTutorialWidget Shows a tutorial widget in the top left corner.
5 closeTutorialWidget Closes an open tutorial widget.
7 cancelTutorialMode Stops the tutorial mode if active, closing all widgets.
8 closeRaidDungeonExecutionWidget
9 startTutorialMode Starts tutorial mode.
10 openPublicInformLongDialogWidget Shows a normal Inform Dialog that lasts 7 seconds instead of 5.

Debug Actor Data

Print Log

Prints to the debug log. This is just a grey colored text in the log window.

Print Disp

Prints to the debug display widget. This doesn't work as the relevant code has been removed from DesktopWidget. This will most likely cause a lua engine error.

Print Overhead

Prints the given text on top of the given actor's nameplate.


Not tested.

Visual Layout

Game Opcode layout
0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF
0x00 data