Unfinished Content

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Revision as of 20:48, 5 April 2022 by Ioncannon (talk | contribs) (Cutscenes)
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This is a list of scripts and files for quests that were unfinished or in the process of being finished before SE killed FFXIV 1.0.


Cutscene Code Quest Code Notes
Alc40010 Alc400 Due to no text sheet, does not play past first scene.
Alc40020 Alc400 Due to no text sheet, does not play past first scene.
Alc40030 Alc400 Due to no text sheet, does not play past first scene.
Alc40040 Alc400 Due to no text sheet, does not play past first scene.
Bsm40010 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Bsm40020 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Bsm40030 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Bsm40040 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Bsm40045 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Bsm40050 Bsm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Cnj40010 Cnj400 Japanese text exists for the quest. Quest script however is empty.
Cnj40020 Cnj400 Japanese text exists for the quest. Quest script however is empty.
Cnj40030 Cnj400 Japanese text exists for the quest. Quest script however is empty.
Cnj40040 Cnj400 Japanese text exists for the quest. Quest script however is empty.
Cul40010 Cul400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Cul40020 Cul400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Cul40025 Cul400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Cul40030 Cul400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Exc40010 Exc400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Fsh40010 Fsh400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Exc40010 Exc400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Hrv40010 Hrv400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Lnc40010 Lnc400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Man50250 Man502 HQ cutscene. Needs Path Companion data and initial town which changes the character attacking Titan. Voiced.
Min40010 Min400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Pgl40010 Pgl400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Tan40010 Tan400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Exc40010 Exc400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Thm40010 Thm400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Wdk40010 Wdk400 Japanese text exists for the scene.
Wvr40010 Wvr400 Japanese text exists for the scene.

Quest Scripts
