Game Opcodes:Set Actor Position

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Sets the spawn parameters for an actor that was just instantiated.

Opcode - 0x0CE
Source - Server
Data Size - 48 bytes
Requirements - None


Offset Data Type Length Variable Description
0x00 uint32 4 Bytes unknown
0x04 uint32 4 Bytes actorID The actor ID that this applies to. If it's the player, it is set to 0x00000000.
0x08 float 4 Bytes xPosition The X position of the spawning actor.
0x0C float 4 Bytes yPosition The Y position of the spawning actor.
0x10 float 4 Bytes zPosition The Z position of the spawning actor.
0x14 float 4 Bytes rotation The rotation of the spawning actor.
0x1C float 4 Bytes floatingHeight The distance from the yPosition to offset the mob at. Used for Bombs, Imps, etc.
0x24 uint16 2 Bytes spawnType The animation to play when this actor spawns.
0x26 uint16 2 Bytes isZoningPlayer This has to be 1 if the actor is a player being zoned.


Spawn Types

The following spawn types were discovered through testing and confirmed in the assembly at 0x58B2D7. What each does hasn't been 100% confirmed. These were tested on the player actor, some are specifically for mobs.

Value Description
0x01 Fades to load, stays on loading screen.
0x02 Fades out/in, plays duty teleport in animation.
0x03 Fades out/in, plays duty teleport in animation with a different sound.
0x04 Fades out/in, doesn't work on players (black screen). On mobs it shows the duty teleport in animation.
0x05 Fades out/in, plays a yellow animation.
0x06 Same as 0x02.
0x07 Fades out/in, plays a "light" animation.
0x08 Same as 0x02.
0x09 Same as 0x02.
0x0A Same as 0x02.
0x0F Fades out/in, no animation is played.
0x10 Fades to load, stays on loading screen. This is used to lock the loading screen when entering Ifrit.
0x11 Quick fade out/in, no animation is played. Does not show loading graphic.
0x12 Fades player out/in. On fade in, textID 52036 is displayed ("You were removed from the instance due to connectivity issues.").
0x13 Same as 0x0F.
0x14 Same as 0x0F.
0x15 Same as 0x10.
0x16 Nothing happens, movement update is also ignored.
0x17 Long fade out, plays duty teleport in animation.
0x18 Fades player out/in. On fade in, textID 51139 is displayed ("You feel unsettled after the nightmare...").

Visual Layout

Packet Data layout
0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xA 0xB 0xC 0xD 0xE 0xF
0x00 unknown actorID xPosition yPosition
0x10 zPosition rotation 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
0x20 00 00 00 00 spawnType isPlayerZoning