Souls Gone Wild
From FFXIV Classic Wiki
- Name
- Souls Gone Wild
- Id
- 110006
- Code
- Man0g1
- Requirements
- Man0g0 completed
Client Functions
Function Name | Notes |
processEvent100 | First cutscene meeting Miounne. Should kick into this. |
processEvent100_1 | WorldMaster message about instances. |
processEvent100_2 | Morose Merchant: "Impurity's as bad as a curse, I tell ye." |
processEvent100_3 | Amiable Adventurer: "You would do well to fear the Twelveswood - and live in awe of it." |
processEvent100_4 | Well-Bundled Adventurer: "If you are planning to stay a while, you might want to learn a bit about the elementals." |
processEvent100_5 | Well-Bundled Adventurer: "The ancient elementals of the Twelveswood are much more powerful and wise than those from other parts of the world." |
processEvent100_6 | Beaming Adventurer: "You met a moogle? Well, count yourself as one of the lucky ones." |
processEvent100_7 | Narrow-Eyed Adventurer: "As if breaking of the hedge wasn't enough, it seems an airship crashed in the forest as well." |
processEvent100_8 | Whispily-Whiskered Adventurer: "In Gridania, there live a chosen few who are blessed by the forest." |
processEvent100_9 | Lonsygg?: "The Twelveswood is a sacred place, and runs thicker and deeper than you can imagine." |
processEvent110 | Cutscene exiting echo and Miounne telling you to go to Camp Bentbranch. |
processEvent110_2 | Miounne reminder message to go to Bentbranch. |
processEvent013 | Linkshell chat message from Miounne when you touch the Aetheryte. Gives tutorial leve. |
processEvent013_2 | Linkshell chat message from Miounne when you touch the Aetheryte. Sans tutorial leve. |
processEvent114 | Miounne speech when you return. |
processEvent115 | Miounne speech when you talk again. Tells you to go to the CNJ and LTW guilds. |
processEvent115_2 | Reminder message to go to the CNJ and LTW guilds. |
processEvent120 | Cutscene at the LTW guild. |
processEvent123 | Worldmaster Message teaching you about npc linkshells. |
processEvent120_2 | Reminder message after talking to the LTW guild. |
processEvent125 | Soileine Telling you to enter the chamber in the CNJ guild. |
processEvent125_2 | Soileine Reminder message to enter the chamber. |
processEvent130 | Cutscene into echo meeting O-App-Pesi and then Yda/Papalimo. |
processEvent130_2 | ???: "The two outsiders brought by Swethyna of the Wood Wailers... There was something strange about them." |
processEvent130_3 | O-App-Pesi: "I pray a moment, please. Swethyna has important words which must be heard." |
processEvent130_4 | Yda: "Look, Papalymo, he's got horns! This must be one of those Padjal!" |
processEvent130_5 | Papalymo: "Manners, Yda. Gods, the Gridanians will think us raised in a gutter." |
processEvent130_6 | Gugula: "The fury of the elementals is sure to be wakened whenever the Hedge is broken through." |
processEvent130_7 | Ingram: "Brother O-App is a Padjal, of course." |
processEvent130_8 | Challinie: "We conjurers hear the whispers of the elementals, and see to it that their will is made known to all Gridanians." |
processEvent130_9 | ???: "Where are those two outsiders from? We've had dealings with those from beyond the wood before, but never have I witnessed such insolence." |
processEvent130_10 | ???: "If Swethyna is involved, it must be a matter of some import. The leader of the Wood Wailers wouldn't waste time dabbling in aught else." |
processEvent135 | Exiting the echo and more elemental explanation. |
processEvent136 | Same as above, but adds a worldmaster message about linkshells. |
processEvent135_2 | Miounne recap message to go to the LTW guild if you already went to the CNJ guild. |
processEvent137_2 | Miounne recap message to go to the BTN guild. |
processEvent140 | Cutscene entering the BTN guild into the emote test instance. |
processEvent140_10 | Fufucha Reminder message: "Let the younglings teach you the dance." |
processEvent140_1 | Aunille: "Watch how I do it. You have to beckon the elementals near. Like this." |
processEvent141_1 | Aunille "I wonder if the elementals dance as we do..." |
processEvent142_1 | Aunille, success: "Hahaha, that's it!" |
processEvent140_2 | Nicoliaux: "You have to clap to keep the rhythm. Come on, keep up!" |
processEvent141_2 | Nicoliaux "I don't even want to be here. My parents made me come. " |
processEvent142_2 | Nicoliaux, success: "Now you've got it!" |
processEvent140_3 | Sansa: "We bow to show our respect to the elementals. Just like this, see?" |
processEvent141_3 | Sansa "It's not that hard. The most important thing is to let your heart guide you. " |
processEvent142_3 | Sansa, success: "Perfect! You're nearly as good as us!" |
processEvent140_4 | Powle: "You have to cheer like this! Don't be shy, really get in there and throw your weight around!" |
processEvent141_4 | Powle "You're terrible! You dance worse than my nana, and she's almost dead." |
processEvent142_4 | Powle, success: "You look like you've done this before." |
processEvent140_5 | Ryd: "We always d-do this, like we've just b-been surprised by s-something." |
processEvent141_5 | Ryd "I wonder if any moogles will come and watch this time." |
processEvent142_5 | Ryd, success: "H-How did you l-learn it so f-fast?" |
processEvent140_6 | Elyn: "You can't forget this part! You have to keep a lookout for the elementals." |
processEvent141_6 | Elyn "Hey, what are you here for? Me? I was running in the forest and tripped." |
processEvent142_6 | Elyn, success: "See how well you did? Aren't we good teachers?" |
processEvent150 | |
processEvent150_2 | Fufucha: "Twelve be good, what are those little brats getting into now?" |
processEvent150_3 | ???: "<whisper>" (Different in other localizations: "Kosokoso") |
processEvent150_4 | ???: "<whisper>" (Different in other localizations: "Hisohiso") |
processEvent160 | Cutscene of this kids telling you to escort them somewhere in the forest. |
processEvent170 | Escort Duty Start Cutscene. |
processEvent180 | Escort Duty End Cutscene. Warps into echo. |
processEvent180_2 | Hermit reminder: "Seek out the younglin's and bid them return. Unless you'd prefer they make a tasty snack for the nearest feral beast? Bloody fool..." |
processEvent181 | Cutscene with Moogle telling you the mask can't be fixed. |
processEvent182 | Cutscene, exit echo. Hermit finds out you know Mooglespeak. |
processEvent182_2 | Miounne reminder: "Wandered about the Twelveswood with the younglings? Gods save us! It's small wonder you adventurers have a reputation for being dangerous." |
processEvent185 | Cutscene with Fufucha, giving payments and such. |
processEvent185_2 | Miounne reminder to go to the LNC guild: "The Wailers and the Quiver have been scouring the wood since the Hedge came down". |
processEvent190 | Talking to Willelda in the LNC guild. |
processEvent190_2 | Reminder message from Willelda: "You may proceed. Commander Burchard and Commander Nuala await you within.". |
processEvent200 | Cutscene, warp into echo in the LNC guild. |
processEvent200_2 | Nuala: "Tend the wounded! Staunch the bleeding!" |
processEvent200_3 | T'kebbe: "I couldn't get a good look. Elemental, or perhaps a man... I-I cannot say for certain." |
processEvent200_4 | Farrimond: "The shadows... They came to life..." |
processEvent200_5 | Mansel: "You, help us! Quickly! We have wounded!" |
processEvent200_6 | Jijimaya: "The elementals rage as I've never heard. And I feel great fear among the people, as well—genuine terror. What could have done this?" |
processEvent200_7 | Langloisiert: "St-Stop...please... The pain is too great..." |
processEvent200_8 | Cecillia: "<wheeze> I can't...breathe..." |
processEvent200_9 | Turstin: "What the hells was that?" |
processEvent200_10 | Hellbhanth: "Bugger it! I lost my bloody polearm. I really liked that polearm." |
processEvent200_11 | Pasdevillet: "To bring down the Hedge is to bring down the greenwrath upon oneself. Such a life is forfeit." |
processEvent210 | Cutscene implicating Dunstan and two wailers asking you to join them for a briefing. |
processEvent210_2 | Burchard: "I can make no sense of it. Dunstan... By the Twelve, but why?" |
processEvent220 | Cutscene explaining wildlings. |
processEvent220_2 | Willelda, reminder: "We have seen our share of adventurers in Gridania over the years—some sure-footed on the path of righteousness, and others not so." |
processEvent220_3 | Burchard: "Adventurers share a certain bond, I know, but should any of your brethren act suspiciously, you must report them to the Wailers." |
processEventComplete | Final chat with Miounne to end the quest. |
processEvent1000_2 | Beaming Adventurer?: "Why the moogles would want to help a complete stranger like you is beyond me. Got me wondering if you might not be one of these forest-beckoned souls the conjurers are always on about." |
processEvent1000_3 | Opyltyl: Msg to warp back into the BTN instance. "Ah you must be the poor soul Fufucha has running all over creation." |
processEvent1000_5 | Nuala?: "Understand that we do not wish to see you made the scapegoat in all of this. We seek only to find the perpetrator as swiftly as possible." |
processTtrBlkNml001 | Blocker npc during the first echo sequence. |
processEventTu_001 | Starts the linkshell tutorial. |